Speaking to IRNA on Friday and while referring to the launch of India's Technology Cooperation Bureau, , Reza Asadifard said that Iran needs important markets in order to develop nano knowledged-based products, which is why "we have launched 6 offices" in Turkey, China, Iraq, Syria, Indonesia and India with the help of Department of Vice President for Scientific and Technology.
The Technology Cooperation Bureau with India has just been set up and "we are studying the market to see what areas they need", he said.
Director of Industry and Market Working Group on Nanotechnology Development Headquarters pointed out that India is not very active in the field of nanotechnology and is generally lagging behind Iran in this field, and noted that this center is not just for exporting nano products to India but exporting all the products include knowledge-based companies and all of them can use the export services provided at the center.
Asadifard added that India has a good technology base in chemical, pharmaceutical and ICT technologies. So this is a good opportunity for Iranian knowledge-based companies in this field.
"Our most important argument for choosing countries for export" is to either have a significant population or have a good export base, for example, Iraq has a small population, but right now, about $ 10 billion in total exports to Iraq is underway, the official highlighted.
"Given this volume of exports, it would be a good idea to spend $ 1 billion on the high tech areas that include nanotechnology and pharmaceuticals, because high technology is a sustainable area," added Asadifard.
Asadifard stated that the market type of countries is important in the choice for exporting the country's products, the markets of China and India are markets "we can sell at a price, but in terms of the Persian Gulf and European markets", perhaps both in terms of branding and luxury products is hard to sell the products. "So we pay attention to the choice of countries."
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